Help please!!
I was printing off some exam papers and my printer came up with the error light. It is an old Cannon BJC-210 printer so I cancelled the waiting printing. Now when I put it on it comes out with all sorts of letters and signs printed like a test run in an inky mess!!
I have tried re- starting everything but it is no good.
Any help please would be appreciated, in simple terms too please as I am not very good with computer jargon etc.
Thank you.
Printing Problems
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Hi I had a similar problem but I recently I found a great solution in a tech support site. They have free live support therefore you can get fast personal help. I am sure you will find the solution there.
Here is the page for your printer - Canon BJC 210
Here is the page for your printer - Canon BJC 210
Canon Printer Problems
One of my customers had a relative who worked for Canon and was able to get Canon Printers at a discount. I spent many a frustrating hour trying to get them to work properly.
Based on experience I found that this sort of thing is caused by one of two things.
1) Asking the printer to delete during a print run does horribel things to the buffer in the printer. To reset it you need to take the printer offline by unplugging the DATA cable from either the computer or printer (Which ever is the easiest to reach). Then switch off the power to the printer. Leave it for 30 seconds and switch it back on. The printer should go through a setup cycle part of which clears and resets the buffer. Plug the data cable back in and you should be back to normal.
2) The print queue can become scrambled. To unscramble it open Printers and faxes (Start > Printers and Faxes in XP)
Find the printer icon and using the left mouse button, double click on it
That brings up the print queue for that printer
It should be empty - if it isn't click on Printer > Cancel All Documents
Go and make a coffee as it takes a long time for Windows to clear the print queue
Once it has finished you should be able to print properly again
3) If both the above fail, switch of both the printer and the computer
Restart the computer and then the printer - that should clear all half completed print jobs
Hope this helps
Based on experience I found that this sort of thing is caused by one of two things.
1) Asking the printer to delete during a print run does horribel things to the buffer in the printer. To reset it you need to take the printer offline by unplugging the DATA cable from either the computer or printer (Which ever is the easiest to reach). Then switch off the power to the printer. Leave it for 30 seconds and switch it back on. The printer should go through a setup cycle part of which clears and resets the buffer. Plug the data cable back in and you should be back to normal.
2) The print queue can become scrambled. To unscramble it open Printers and faxes (Start > Printers and Faxes in XP)
Find the printer icon and using the left mouse button, double click on it
That brings up the print queue for that printer
It should be empty - if it isn't click on Printer > Cancel All Documents
Go and make a coffee as it takes a long time for Windows to clear the print queue
Once it has finished you should be able to print properly again
3) If both the above fail, switch of both the printer and the computer
Restart the computer and then the printer - that should clear all half completed print jobs
Hope this helps
When it comes to computers, I believe there is no such thing as a SILLY QUESTION